Some owners of Family Historian 6 may be entitled to a free upgrade to version 7. This page describes who is eligible and how to get your free upgrade if you are.
If you bought the full version of Family Historian 6 as a download on this website in the period since November 1st 2019, you are entitled to a free upgrade to version 7. To apply for your free upgrade, please return to the Family Historian 7 Upgrade page and follow the process described to purchase. You will need to enter your licence details. If confirmed, you will get a discount coupon worth 100% of the purchase price.
Some (not all) third party vendors have also offered free upgrades to version 7 for purchases made at certain times. If you bought a boxed copy of the software from a third party vendor who was offering this, they are responsible for providing you with the free upgrade. In that case, you need to follow the instructions that they provide. If you follow the normal upgrade process on this website, you will not get a free upgrade.
If you bought Family Historian 6 at RootsTech in London 2019, as part of your purchase you will have received a coupon worth 100% of the price of version 7. To learn how to redeem your coupon, please see RootsTech 2019 Coupons.
Please note: If you bought an upgrade to version 6 from an earlier version, you are not entitled to a free upgrade to version 7. The free upgrade offer has never applied to any upgrade products. Also, at no point has the free upgrade offer ever applied to purchases of boxed copies through Amazon. However, in both cases, if you have version 6, you are entitled to a 30% discount off the upgrade price for version 7. To get your discount, please return to the Family Historian 7 Upgrade page and follow the process described to purchase.